Top: Terrific rusted barn in full sun. Middle: Fresh hay bails in the forefront of a mountain view. Bottom: amazing Grandfather Mountain; Can you see the beard? :):) It was a GREAT car ride... to say the least.
A June offering; an orderly field of Christmas trees. North Carolina is known for its tree farms. I thought the lines of trees and lines in between looked so nice and appealing. I never seem to never tire of looking at these beautiful fields in the valleys... :)
We are loving the little splashes of color our garden is offering... Everyone (even my teenage son) is in 'love' with the fiercely wee purple flower (especially!) :) This is a bulb I ordered from Holland. What a delight! I call the bottom rose "Apricot Dreamsicle Delight." Enjoy. :) :)
We did revisit Wilson Creek Gorge this weekend past. We found a shortcut from our house and of course (if you read my lengthy blog about the gnarly gravel mountain road incident...) we took the same way back!
It was a fabulous day. The water in the canyon was clear enough to snorkel; which we did. Visibility was about 10-15 feet. We saw trout and perch fish of all different sizes; some big enough to eat!
The water was about 72-ish; cool to the skin but absolutely refreshing!! At certain points the water is well over 20 feet deep, however there are shallow wading pools, medium wading pools and even rocks you can jump off of (we are too old for this!!:) )
People slide down the steep rocks (by using ropes to grapple UP) to get in the water. We slid in slowly or very carefully walked in along sandy rock pathways.
We were treated to a large group of kayakers taking to the waterway as we were leaving! After several swims and a picnic lunch on the humongous rocks...we headed home! All in all a truly superb day and a very wonderful place to sit, to ponder life, to take in the sights, to people watch and to photograph! :):):):):):) :):):)
I will always see these mountains. What is it about mountains, that causes your heart to connect to your head?
I (often) feel 'a bit like' Meryl S. in the movie "Out of Africa."
"Will these hills know my name?" "When the dew melts in the sun, will it lift up into heavenly places of light with an essence of who I once was?" "Will the red clay dirt remember the place where my foot once rested as I stood?