Monday, April 28, 2014

Morning Prayer

Morning Prayer

Be in my fanciful meanderings

Be in my midnight glide on a silver moon beam carpet slide
up and up I slip across the black tree fingers of the very next pine lined ridge
Up and up I sail to my friend
the white hot crescent 
cool night moon

Be in the spine of my cat as I perch myself
upon the very tip of the last long black prick hair 
on his slow curling twitch-twitch tail 
and as I find myself in the dull glint
of his slow moving yellow eyes
open wide
and watching

Be in the hint of gleaming light as it peek-peeks
out from behind 
my five year companion the Looking Glass Tree branch 
as it plays its own game with me
yes my game an early morning game
trying as it would to cover up my (other) sweet friend
my white hot bright morning star
yes my morning
star of the east
my own yes my very own
rising up game 
that I play

Be in the ill-tempered Appalachian wind
as it rises and it builds
piling up full out on the ridges below
and then letting loose like a mini swarm of sometimes ill-intentioned
climbing well weighted down Mack trucks
They race-roar their engines
steady they go
up and up to reach the summit
of this my fair mountain—
causing the dog to turn her head
and me to brace my body

Be in the folds of his gray-white beard
that he strokes
then slowly  
again as he lies pressed down
on his sickbed
where he waits patiently
for a touch from
sweet one Jesus
and the medication
Be with the man
my man
husband of more than 20 years
alone in the next shade
of an off white room 

© Karen Powell

Tuesday, April 22, 2014


My husband saw the FIRST hummingbird at the feeder today 
(April 22nd, 2014.) 
This is a most 'sure' sign of impending spring!! 
(I am so glad to have the little guys back.) :-)
These photos are from last summer, however, 
as we have yet to get the feeder up and running! 
(I rather randomly chose some photos from the archives. 
Some are quite good, I was surprised to find.)

I'm excited, as you can tell.
Although they are small, 
they live a dramatic lifestyle!
As these photos show, 
they are such lovely and fierce little creatures... 

Thursday, April 3, 2014

(On) Family and Marriage


(On) Marriage
(by K. Annie Powell)

Butter and bread
butter and bread
go together

Honey and tea
honey and tea
are a complement to one another

You and me
you and me
fit together through and through

Lois Nancy

This artwork is my mother's. It touches my heart.    (So gentle.)   A thoughtful depiction of something sweet, tiny, and cute.   'Wa...