Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Two best date.

First Visitation of a Hummingbird in Spring

(This has been hard! 
We are still trying diligently, 
to bring you a really good shot, here.) 

Monday, May 12, 2014


until you get the prize.

These are (just) two of about 70+ photos we took of the first hummingbirds to arrive last week. For whatever reason, we did not get good result! Study the first photo (with me.) Now why (oh why!) is the bird feeder absolutely crystal clear in this shot and the hummingbird (except its beak) is an absolute blurrrrr of motion?!! Look at the contrast! This is an amazing shot! (My favorite!!) :-)

The second shot is the best photo (of too many, I might add.) Perhaps the camera would simply not cooperate! Or is it that this bird...was as lightening? (I've seen better shots of lightening, I might add.) 

Hence, we have dubbed this bird, "Lightening Bolt." 

We will persevere to bring you better, clearer shots (as the summer progresses as we have many hummingbird visitors...)  


Wednesday, May 7, 2014

(My) Childhood Shoes

(My) Childhood Shoes

I fancied myself free
I danced a waltz tonight
I danced a polka 123-123
I spun on rose petals and pressed on bike pedals
I ran across the bridge cement and metal
bang-bang to my secret place where silver fishes lie waiting
and streetlights play games that are highlights

I skid across the inclined face of the moon
slippery like cheeses down to Natti’s Gap
I plodded along walls that wall in the strong cities
I shook the dust off myself after being made fun of
I had holes
ran a mile
and then I ran another

I felt the cool clay of the cavern-cave
and splashed through the shallow icy water slip-sliding
over rocks to get stuck deep in Lake Michigan’s mud
I kicked up my heels
kicked the cat
and then I jumped over the house.

© Karen Powell

Lois Nancy

This artwork is my mother's. It touches my heart.    (So gentle.)   A thoughtful depiction of something sweet, tiny, and cute.   'Wa...