Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Portal in a Night Time Dream


  1. What a lovely interesting photo, full of texture.
    I can relate to the ice storms bringing the trees down, the devastion. But when the winds brought the trees down here, we weren't close to them at the time, so we didn't hear the noise. I can't imagine what that must sound like, lots of trees falling down at once.

  2. Lynne~
    Our devastating ice storm was on Christmas day. We have the audio and video and it is unusual. I'm not really up to speed yet on posting audio/video stuff. Maybe sometime I'll take the necessary time and figure out 'the how to' of A/V feed. (I probably should have.) There's a women who lives on a farm with goats and she has A/V of a babbling brook in her farmyard~~ it's really cool.
    :) lg


Please do...tell.

Lois Nancy

This artwork is my mother's. It touches my heart.    (So gentle.)   A thoughtful depiction of something sweet, tiny, and cute.   'Wa...