Friday, September 17, 2010

Valiant attempt

A valiant attempt it capture the sunrise this A.M. As I rounded the corner (with dog #1) the sun hovered over the trees and popped a true peachy deep RED through the heavy mist screening its arrival. I mean an eye-popping red. I (...true to my readers as always to endeavor to capture this beautiful, wild and lush...High Country living) raced back inside to procure my camera. As I approached the place I shoot with more full access to the sun rising, to my dismay the effect had all but dissipated. Here is what I saw, but somehow the shot does not aptly capture the now deep peachy color remaining of a spectacular sunrise.


  1. lg, I'm always amazed how quickly the sun does a mere minute it has climbed a little higher. I'm glad you got to appreciate that gorgeous red. This photo is beautiful - soft and serene.

  2. Good point Talon; yes, the appearance of the sun (and the moon) can change second by second! I was disappointed not to capture the red-effect for you all. BUT~ the good thing here is that there will be many (more...)chances to observe and capture strange beauty :) Have a truly great day and a good weekend Talon!
    (hugs!!!) :):)

  3. I was groggy and moving like a snail.


Please do...tell.

Lois Nancy

This artwork is my mother's. It touches my heart.    (So gentle.)   A thoughtful depiction of something sweet, tiny, and cute.   'Wa...