Friday, October 28, 2016

Happy advance. Share.

(If you've never seen this, please watch.) Karen :-)
...My 'nominee' for best short film, (maybe ever.) It teaches you all you will ever need to know, about life.


  1. Oh dear I can't think of Thanksgiving yet. But I do have a freezer full of bread and dessert to take to my daughters.

  2. What a sweet little film. Makes me smile.

  3. I did not understand that link was to a film. Wow, wonderful. I actually cried watching the wonder of 1936 cinema. How did you ever come across that precious little movie?

  4. Granny Annie, In regard to your comment on my blog: :-)

    "I did not understand that link was to a film. Wow, wonderful. I actually cried watching the wonder of 1936 cinema. How did you ever come across that precious little movie?"

    Glad you watched it! I tend to be a bit on the cryptic side at times (offering my readers less information, rather than they are intrigued and have the space to draw their own conclusions... ;-) )

    The "Share" heading on the top of my heading refers to the idea (evoked from the sweet little film) of sharing (for Thanksgiving, as in the little film..., as it is intended to be all about, yes? ;-) )

    As to your question (and I'm so glad that you did have an emotional reaction to it...I adore the sweet 1930's film so and want to cry seeing it, too. I just noticed the section (this time) of the little ones licking the glass at the bakery!!!!) To answer your question, my son and I stumbled upon the film Somewhere in Dreamland when he was a boy of about 7 or 8 years old on T.V. My son LOVED the part where the children pull up their blankets showing them filled up...with holes!!! What a sad, sweet and MEMORABLE little film!!!!!!!

    Sending love G. A.,

  5. Grannie Annie,

    If you want to watch another short, sweet little film that WILL make you cry (along these lines; from a child's point of view) watch The Snowman based on the book 'The Snowman' by Raymond Briggs.

    My son and I cannot agree which of these two, The Snowman or Somewhere in Dreamland, is the better animated short film.


  6. NCmountainwoman, Glad to see the smile ;-) Thank you for :-)


  7. Lessons learned:
    1. Share
    2. Mother's love (is real, is deep, never ends)
    3. boys are brave
    4. there's never enough ice cream
    5. Mother's worry
    6. Other's who have holes in their blankets need your/our (my) help.
    7. Hold hands
    8. Not all business (in this case bakery) owner's are bad

  8. I love these old films and what a perfect message! Thanks for sharing, lg.


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Lois Nancy

This artwork is my mother's. It touches my heart.    (So gentle.)   A thoughtful depiction of something sweet, tiny, and cute.   'Wa...